GOD HAS NOT LEFT YOU WITHOUT A REDEEMER!!! RUTH 4:14 Marcia is the very first lady to complete the R.U.T.H. House. What a blessing it has been for us to be part of one of God’s miracles! Marcia says: “When I came into the R.U.T.H. House I was broken, hopeless, and full of pain. I longed for death, which never came. For me there was no today, tomorrow, or future. In my addiction, I tried to escape the pain and hurt that weighed so deep in my heart from losing my loved ones. In my Recovery at the RUTH House, not only have I found myself, but also found my God and my peace. They brought me back to life again. They helped me begin to live again. I can see today, tomorrow and a future. For that I will always be grateful.” 

Marcia Mullis